تيسير القراءات-الشمرلي

by ISG Intelligent Systems Group

Books & Reference


Facilitating the recitations...the ten glorious days on your phone’s Qur’anThe ability to play the audio (for recitations, offerings, and originals) after downloading it on the mobile phone, without the need to access the Internet (steps on the project website).Explanation and application of the method of adding the tenths in Surah Al-Fatihah, and also connecting them to Al-Baqarah, in addition to the first Surah Al-Baqarah (in the tables of origins).Explanation of the aspects of the reciters and how to combine them with application to each of the verses of the first two quarters of Al-Baqarah (when choosing the verse).A quick audio summary explaining the origins of each narrator in just a few minutesMore than twenty hours of audio introductions explaining the aspects of the readers of more than two hundred verses of many verses with automatic updating from the Internet.The possibility of showing the interpretation, text of the verse, or evidence during the time of recitation or introduction to the chosen verseColored tables to simplify some of the origins and compare the aspects of collecting some versesIn addition to the capabilities:The first complete audio conclusion, collecting the ten minor aspects, divided into verses for more than 100 hours, in the voice of Sheikh Taha Al-Fahd, memorized by Al-Bari.Signs and evidence of the Lesser Ten in distinctive colors around the controversial words on the page of the Qur’an Al-Shammarli and Al-Madinah according to your choiceThe seven are marked with colored lines under the words, and the three completed are marked with circles above the words to distinguish themThe tombstones of Shatibiya are in yellow squares on the right of the page, and the tombstones of Durra are in brown circles on the left of the pageAdding directions for controversial words next to their positions and improving the directions for similar words, and any of them can be shown or hidden as needed.The Help screen has been improved to clarify color meanings and codingImproving the appearance of the indexes, including surahs, parts, and ahzab, as well as the page numberColoring and improving the performance of the Favorites page, which preserves four places from the Qur’an to go to directly.Enlarge the area of ​​the yellow box in which evidence, evidence, directions, and instructions appear for the part that is displayed in the upper third of the device screen, with each of them (and its symbol next to it) colored in a different color for clarification.When moving between pages, the guides appear sequentially when their symbols first enter the yellow display area and disappear when they exit until others appear. When there is more than one symbol within that space, their evidence appears in the yellow display space, and an offset can be made within that space when more lines than are displayed.The main website quraat.info contains files and other links related to the project of facilitating the ten readings